Toilet paper tube penguins:
- toilet paper tube
- black construction paper
- white paper (you can use scrap computer paper)
- googly eyes
- scraps of yellow/orange paper
- Cut a strip of black paper long enough to wrap around the tube, and about an inch taller (so you can give your penguin hair). Glue it around the tube.
- Cut out a white oval for the belly and two black teardrop shapes for the wings. Glue them on as seen in the picture.
- Cut out orange feet and glue them to the bottom of the tube. Cut out an orange diamond and fold it in half for an open beak. Glue on the beak and googly eyes, and cut the extra black paper on top in a fringe for hair.
- coffee k-cup, painted black (if not already)
- white paint
- orange/yellow cardstock or painted cardboard
- googly eyes
- pipe cleaner
- small bell
- Paint a white belly on your k-cup as shown in the picture. Wait for it to dry before continuing.
- Glue on googly eyes, a yellow triangle for a beak, and yellow feet.
- If you would like to make your penguin into a bell, make a loop out of half a pipe cleaner and thread on the bell. Twist the free ends together and push them through the hole in the top of the cup, forming a loop.
- bottle cap
- white paint
- other colors paint
- paper bag or cardboard box
- Cut out a card sized piece of paper bag or card board and fold in half.
- Dip a bottle cap in the white paint and stamp 3 circles on top or eachother to form a snow man.
- Add accessories and details with other colors or paint, sequins, glitter, or whatever else you have on hand.
- 2 corks of similar color/design
- 2 pipe cleaners
- a red pom pom
- googly eyes
- Cut one of the pipe cleaners in half to be used for the legs. Take one piece and fold it in half over the cork that will become the reindeer's body. Twist the two ends of the pipe cleaner together where they meet against the cork; you should end up with a tight loop around the cork and two separate ends of the pipe cleaner. Bend up the end of each of the legs to form feet.
- Repeat step one with the other half of the pipe cleaner on the opposite end of the same cork. You should end up with a body with 2 sets of legs.
- Twist the whole other pipe cleaner around the other cork (the head) in the same way as with the legs, except instead of forming feet, bend them into an antlerish shape.
- Glue on the googly eyes and the red pom pom for a nose to the cork with the antlers.
- Glue the head of reindeer onto the body (you may need hot glue).
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